Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adjust My Sails


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Sometimes it is so difficult for me to be grateful for the space I inhabit in the moment. If it's not school today it's work tomorrow--why do we always need a scapegoat for the discontent? 

I only have 5 weeks left of college. That statement incites terror and elation in one deep breath. The closer I get to the end, the more menial the tasks seem. I am itching for the future--the unremitting gaze towards a place beyond the present could be the source of much angst. 

I must learn to bask in gratitude for the tasks at hand because what lies ahead will come with a-whole-nother goodie bag of challenges. The reality is we have to do things we don’t want to in life. 

We have to fight apathy every day when all we want to do is play. Yet it is about flourishing in both acts--finding the way to make your rock your thing, like Sisyphus. 

Merely by a shift of cognition can we somersault the negative resistance. Right now my studies feel like a current I arduously paddle against, if merely I adjust my sails I can gain some mileage from this peculiar vessel we call ‘higher education.’ 

I still have so much to learn, I must practice patience--life's greatest lesson. Everything has a lesson, a purpose. Don’t rush it. Time is not as we see time, not in minutes lived but in lessons learned. I must rejoice in the lesson for today. 

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