My mothers, veined sateen pillows
For loafing diamonds— acrylic
Talons and knobby knuckles
My sisters, jaundice yellow—blistered
From esophagus friction
Mine, parched swollen knots, stubby
Antennas with ornery bulges— Husked nails
Pink at the crux, fleshy and tender
Metacarpals protruding like fine bones in bat wings
Digits drip chunky turquoise
And contorted sterling leaves— Fashioned
In leather paws, showcased
On Grandma’s sausage links
It is eerie, the maiden voyage of foreign hands
Upon your body—the curves
Wrinkles and rolls, bellybuttons polish
Whirring pelvis—His chapped lips graze
Timid tips, led to oblong flesh—pulsing
Folded skin and taut acorn head—
Each neuron, millions upon millions,
Salute absolute stimuli
In mint scrubs he was tossed to me
Amidst periwinkle wrapping paper—
With flush countenance and purple tentacles
Burrito wrapped like boas comfort their young
Puffy eggplant fingers reflex
Squeezing at my nudge—
As if the genome programs rapport
For mushy handholding
After encompassing silence
I find myself in your nook, lichen to your stump
Breath like cotton-candy—
Knit hands in ribcage, kindled by squirmy innards
You dig into my umber flesh
Thumbs kneading curves like cookiedough
Rubbing tousled tresses as a child’s greedy hands
Gouge sand for clams—I trace calligraphy
On your trunk with bloody cuticles and chipped polish
Ink drizzles down my fingers and soils forsaken sheets
Consider your fingerprints
Pinky, ring, middle, index and thumb
All with an existential dilemma—gnarled
Fissures in epidermal cyclones
Probing dense forests
Of synaptic metaphysics
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