Monday, April 8, 2013

I call an end to the post-collegiate-apocolyptic phenomenon

       As the semester concludes and the future bears down on my shoulders, I can’t help but sip my chardonnay and grin for the blessing of today.
       Why do we make such a big deal about what we ‘do’? All across the world, young adults toe the stereotypical tight-rope to success, too crippled by fear of failure to take any chances. And what are we all striving for? surface friendships, an unlimited online subscription to NYtimes for the i-pad o’course, affording anything from Gilt (even if it is 70% off, like really Gilt?), marble countertops complete with Vitamix and coconut juicer, three kids, a 9-5 and a mortgage.
       My question is, why all the fucking pressure on the youth to follow the ‘road to success’ as defined by society?
       Maybe the question itself is wrong, “what do you want to be?” because the truth is, we already ARE. Life is not linear, it is happening right now. There is no map or destination- here is a secret i wish every college kid had tattooed on their forearm, just as a reminder, all those ‘successful’ people are just as fucking lost, insecure, anxiety-ridden and depressed as you are, but with fancier gadgets to fill the void.

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