Monday, June 10, 2013


Sorry for the hiatus. I have been off the grid in the Himalayas! Just got to sweltering Delhi. Will give full updates soon, but in the meantime....... A sneak peak

photos taken by Mitch Hockett, Travis Levy, John Rosskelly, and Jocelyn Patterson
The headwaters of the Ganges at Dev Prayag
Forest temple on the trek from Auli to Garson Meadows
Chattin with Travis, the crew heading down from Tolma village 
Mitchell, Travis, and Zack at Devi Darshan, Auli
Views of the Great Himayala from Gaurson Meadows
Day hike up to Gaurson top
Travis at Ghamsali in a glacial valley

At a temple for Nanda Devi in Lata village
Reading before chai and breakfast at Khanook camp
Avery, CJ, and myself wormed up on a cold day at Lati Kharak--chai and books and laughter

The whole crew! Indian Himalaya Study Abroad class with the Mountain Shepherds

Being silly with Emile at 14,000ft
In class at Gaurson Meadows, from left to right, Emile, me, Abbey, and Keith
walkin, walkin, walkin
mother and child of Lata
peaks for dayyyzzzz
women and children of Lata during our rug bazaar

at ze tajjjjjj

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