Thursday, June 13, 2013

Himalayan Wrinkles

The tingle of freshly smoked 
Bidis on my lips, in my fingers--
Belly full from yellow dalbhaat,
Eyelashes and wool socks damp from 

Clouds swimming through valleys 
Caressing vast ridges and moss-covered forests 
As far as the eye can see. Villages sit 
Nestled in the bosom of cliff slivers--

Terraced patterns move along the contours 
Of an every-shifting mountainside 
Like the lines in fingerprints, 
Humans' unique inkspot on the land. 

Bright, pointilist styled women tend 
To their daily chores below, like neon insects 
Exploring alpine thickets beneath my feet. 
Traces of humans like lichen

To a boulder--speckled fireflies at night,
A mirror for the constellations. 
And a certain tranquility settles 
On the soul, perhaps due to anoxia

Of the braincells--an alignment of perspective 
On the ground plan unfolding.
We are trapped by man-made geometry--
Trajectories of success and failure

And burgeoning insignificance. I've escaped
Such compartmentalizations--an aerial view
Reflects an omniscience with pathways 
Of the mind. Dams constructed and worn

Down by unforgiving currents. 
Roads constructed and reconstructed
After foreseen landslides take back
What was once trigonomic chaos. 

There is an order to this thing,
Though not in the sense we seek.
It is an order beyond the reach
Of quotidian micromanagements--

Efforts we so dearly cling to
For definition, a false security.
It is an order revealed 
Through trudging faith 

Amidst tallis fields of terror.
Faith that these switchbacks
And summits, ascensions and tumbles,  
Are not in vain, yet not 

For tangible means either.
Order is revealed in faith of process--
A circular spiral like the golden ratio of shells 
Found atop mountains formed at the depths

Of onyx seas, whose layers sought
Divine position without light or instruction.
Like face-wrinkles whose patterns
Speak of sorrow and elation--

The incomprehensible resolution 
Of faith, that one emotion eventually spills
Into another, laying groundwork 
For jettied habits of love,

All-encompassing terror. Their dialectic
Blossoming like days to come, 
Where we expose ourselves 
To the ever-shifting elements

In faith that our resilient skins 
Will heal again, never in the same pattern
But with shades of process and celebration
Of forces beyond our control.

Also, jubilation 
That we are not alone.
We have the power to shed things
To share things,

To swear,
And swing 
To the opposite pole
Where the clarity of insanity is astonishing. 

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