Thursday, January 16, 2014

Women Weave the Web


Exciting news! I just got recruited to work on a campaign with Word Pulse , an activist organization based in Portland, called Women Weave the Web , which is focused on breaking down the digital divide for women to get their voices heard globally. Here is a blurb about it from the website:

World Pulse is the leading network using the power of digital media to connect women on the ground around the world and bring them a global voice. We are powered by a network of 50,000 including women from 190 countries. Our mission is to lift and unite women’s voices to accelerate their impact for the world. 

Through our growing, web-based platform, women are speaking out and connecting to create solutions from the frontlines of today’s most pressing issues. With a focus on grassroots women change leaders, our programs nurture community, provide media and empowerment training, and broadcast rising voices to influential forums. 

With an online, global community of grassroots women leaders, World Pulse has developed a methodology to rally their voices around the issues that they say matter most. Our digital action campaigns elicit powerful content from women on the ground, strengthen their confidence, and ensure that influencers and powerful institutions hear their stories. 

Past campaigns have facilitated opportunities for grassroots women to advise the new UN Women agency on its strategy, Silicon Valley executives on increasing women’s access to the Internet, world leaders at the Rio+20 ‘Earth Summit’ on ensuring gender inclusive outcomes, and at the 57th Commission on the Status of Women on ending violence against women. These campaigns have produced two primary benefits: 

Increased individual empowerment through new opportunities for grassroots women to be heard at global forums and represent their communities as vocal leaders. Women who participate frequently report newfound self-confidence and leadership, as well as new relationships, opportunities, and mentors through interacting with the online community and World Pulse partners. They also gain social media skills and broadened knowledge of the issue through the content generated by the campaign. 

Increased effectiveness for advocacy work reported by our partners who have enriched their quantitative data with the powerful narrative from our community of grassroots women leaders. Our campaigns have motivated UN leaders to visit refugee camps and send out urgent alerts, drawn the attention of media, politicians and celebrities, and helped move forward important legislation and policies. 
Learn more about World Pulse

WWW: Women Weave the Web 

World Pulse is excited to announce the launch of our WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign! You are joining World Pulse in supporting women who are using the Internet to transform the world. From the streets of Nairobi to the plazas of Buenos Aires, women are logging on and sparking change. Now is the time to break down the digital divide. 

Our newly launched campaign will crowd-source the wisdom of grassroots women leaders on issues related to digital inclusion and empowerment. Through the three phases of our Campaign (Digital Access, Digital Literacy, and Digital Empowerment), women and their allies around the world will speak out on challenges they have accessing the Internet, the solutions communities are developing, and the ways in which the Internet empowers them to create change on the ground. World Pulse will analyze the submitted testimonies and, in conjunction with our partners, present them to important international forums, policy leaders, media outlets, and technology companies in order to better advocate for digital inclusion and empowerment for women. 

You can support me by checking into the Word Pulse platform from time to time, reading women's stories, signing up for their free emagazine, and following World Pulse on Twitter or on Facebook.

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