Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Be Ahead of All Parting---Rilke


Tri-bar targets at Cuddleback Lake (CLUI photo)
Aerial photo calibration targets have existed at various locations across the Unites States since the 1950-60s. These land-based two-dimensional optical artefacts were used for the development of aerial photography from aircrafts.
With dendritic cracks filling with brush, breaking through the uniformity of the 5:1 bars (each bar and space between the bars is five times as long as it is wide), the flat surfaces are peeling, crumbling and sprouting, producing dimensionality, and relief.
via The Center for Land Use Interpretationxaoss:

The Other Shore - manifest 1, by J.D Doria, 2013

David LaChapelle - Deluge (2009)
Be ahead of all parting, as if it had already happened,
like winter, which even now is passing.
For beneath the winter is a winter so endless
that to survive it at all is a triumph of the heart.

Be forever dead in Eurydice, and climb back singing.
Climb praising as you return to connection.
Here among the disappearing, in the realm of the transient,
be a ringing glass that shatters as it rings.

Be. And know as well the need to not be: 
let that ground of all that changes
bring you to completion now.

To all that has run its course, and to the vast unsayable
numbers of beings abounding in Nature,
add yourself gladly, and cancel the cost.

Ranier Maria Rilke
Sonnets to Orpheus II, 13

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