Saturday, June 13, 2015

Internal Struggle of a Procrastinating Yogi

Meghan Currie
10:00pm-okay, gotta go to bed soon. No more beer
10:50pm—okay, last beer. Then bed
11:30pm---fuck, maybe there’s a later class in the morning.
11:33pm—nah I can make it! I’ll just set my alarm. Wake up early. Hot lemon water. I’ll be ready.
7:20am—ugh…..maybe it’s a new moon today????
7:25am—okay…im out of bed. Coffee? God I want hashbrowns.
7:30am—I need to leave in 15. Why am I checking my email?
7:40am---omg I love this show. Why are they playing save the last dance this early?
7:50am—maybe theres a later class….yeah! I’ll go to the 10am class.
9:00am—should I shower?
9:20am—okay, leaving in 15. Got my yoga clothes on! Ready…… God I feel fat.
9:25am—maybe ill just practice at home today. Yeah, thatll be nice. Have some music and no pressure of others around me. Ill just get in my flow.
9:40am…3 sun salutations in—whens the last time I took a good yoga video for instagram? I mean I can stay meditative while I’m recording myself right?
10:00am—okay I’ll just edit this video in imovie then ill finish my practice.
10:20am- fuck I’m hungry. I’ll just have a little nibble then sit in lotus for an hour.
10:45am---is there an afternoon class????

 It is so tough to have a daily practice. The dedication it takes to show up when you are not feeling energized and inspired and beautiful and something I am yet to master. Yet this is where the true transformation takes place--when you come to your mat even when you don't feel like it. Just to observe, to surrender, to let your body wring your mind out. Here's to practicing with zeal.