Friday, August 23, 2013

Nuggets of West Bengal

Some pics from the last few days in the intoxicatingly exotic post capital of the British Raj---Kolkata, in West Bengal. After a 35 hour jam-packed train ride up the eastern coast of India--through rural Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, I arrived here with colleagues from MCCSS to help reintegrate a woman who had been trafficked with her family, whom she hadn't seen for 9 years. These images capture the dizzying alleyways, spicy Bengali cuisine, vibrant markets, and crumbling edifices of British reign.
Rice paddy fields in Odissa--views from the train

Channa masala and yummy train snacks

A trafficking survivor and her family after reintegration

Fruit markets in Kolkata

Queen Victoria Memorial--Kolkata

Yummy Bengali thalhi

Street wanderin--Kolkata

New Market Square--Kolkata

Queen Victoria's gate

Waitin for the train

Alleyways upon alleyways

College St. second-hand book market

books for days

More Bengali food!!!!!--dhal bhat n' subje allllllday

street capture

check-out the cabs

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