Monday, May 20, 2013

india bound

On a synergy bottle in my last days in Missoula, I encountered a quote that resonated with me,

In any moment, you can choose either fear or love. Choose.

And so here I sit, in a hotel in Spokane, Washington, wrestling between the two.

It is interesting about these journeys--for so long there is talk about the future. You repeat, again and again, the meanderings of an insecure, but audibly pleasing future. Yet, when grains of sand find their final spaces to inhabit, you realize you have to actually step up to the plate.

It is in these moments that the true self is encountered--between security and fear of the future. And so at this point, I can only help but breath deep and choose love.

Or revel in the vibrance of this balance between fear and love--for why else to I keep seeking these adventures but for the high I get pre-departure. The unknown is unlike any substance in that it involves you're entire life-path.

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